Friday, November 10, 2006

Dog on the Web

Dog have a high presence on the Internet with Websites, Web Blogs, message board, articles, Ezine and many more media. Dog caretaker use the internet to ask questions about Their Dog Health, Dog Training, Dog Behavior and Dog General care.

Sometimes just to relate anecdotes and show off their pup’s photo. Enter almost any dog related subject into an internet search engine. Expert however caution that much of the information on the internet is untried or not tested.

For veterinarian or behavior questions, it is safe to visit a qualified veterinarian or qualified trainer. At the same time, researching a breed or new activity is a snap with the internet and undoubtedly has led to a greater knowledge of our canine companions.

Have any dog photo to share with me? Please send me an email or drop a comments to my Blog.

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