Do you want to take a fun vacation with your dog? Improve your Dog Skills, explore your Dog new activities? Then a Dog camp may be the right place for you and your Dog. Camp normally run for weekend, a few days or sometimes a week. Though dog doesn’t need to be highly trained to go to a camp. Dog should be under your voice control and not be aggressive towards other dog or people.
You can choose among wide variety of camps that offer wither specific canine activities or combination of activities such as agility, tracking,lure coursing, carting, heading and disc catching. Some camp are focused on the serious canine competitor while others are focused on providing a fun experience for dogs and owners.
Most camp also offer workshop on such topics as canine nutrition,clicker training,behavior and holistics dog care.To find dog camp, talk to your veterinarian or a dog trainer in your area,peruse dog magazines and other publication or contact the organization representative the sport which you are interested.
Have any Dog Camp experience to share? Please give me a drop.
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