With one ear flopped forward and her tongue dangling in anticipation of another item to fetch, Mira seemed like any other playful pup scampering around Eastwood Park in Tamalpais Valley.
But proud owner Lou Hawthorne of
"I'm delighted we're here at this milestone," said Hawthorne, who spent a decade trying to clone his family's dog that died in 2002. "During the process of creating her, it was a goal. But once I had Mira in my arms she was an entity with feelings. She's real."
In addition to a striking physical resemblance to Missy, a three-quarters border collie and one-quarter husky that died at age 15,
her clone shows the same athleticism, intelligence and mischievousness, but some differences as well.
Like Missy, Mira likes to play a game in which someone holds an item just out of reach; unlike Missy, Mira doesn't mind loud noises and bright lights.
Hawthorne, chief executive of Mill Valley-based BioArts International, which licensed patents issued in the 1990s after researchers in
"We have four near-Missys," he quipped.
Their genetic makeup was confirmed to be Missy's exact copy by the
Elizabeth Wictum, associate director of the school's veterinary forensics lab, said though the puppies were deemed genetically identical, "in terms of how identical the dogs would be, we don't entirely know how much genetics play in terms of personality."
"Their environment plays a role in developing the animal's personality," she said.
BioArts, which raised more than $700,000 in an online dog-cloning auction earlier this year, is
In the past month, the firm cloned three dogs.
"Pet cloning is fun, but I think it's not going to be a huge business because the work is very complex," he said. "Most of the world is going to get dogs out of shelters, and that's a good thing."
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