- Bring an outside-only toy with you. If your dog is not thrilled with toys, read this post about teaching a dog to like toys more. Keep a toy near your front door that your dog LOVES. Only use it on walks, and only give it to your dog when she is walking nicely. Gently take it away when she pulls.
- Talk more. Enthusiasm is a way to keep your dog focused on you as well as provide information to her that she should continue doing what she is doing because she might get a treat or a toy.
- Quick, gentle changes in direction. Occasionally turn quickly and go the other direction when your dog pulls. Never jerk or be rough with your dog. The changes in direction combined with enthusiasm when she is in the right position is a way to keep her focused on you.
- Change speeds. If your dog wants to run, run with her for short spurts when she appears by your side. The goal is to make it worthwhile for her to walk in the "reward zone" because sometimes it results in toys, treats or quick sprints might occur.
- Change your tone and volume of voice. Did you know talking really softly is one way to sometimes get dog's attention? Try something like, "Hey. What's over there? Let's go check it out" and then start running towards something as soon as your dog looks at you. What are you doing? You are motivating your dog to pay attention to you. The more a dog pays attention to the person holding the leash, the less she is scanning the environment for something to pull towards.
- Toy exhanges. Teach your dog to drop toys on cue and then practice toy exchanges on walks by asking for "Drop", and then throwing another toy within the length of the leash. You can continue this periodically on walks to give your dog exercise and mental stimulation. If you need to learn how to teach your dog to Drop, see my Puppy Biting and Rules of Tug video and see more leash walking strategies in my Intermediate Leash Walking video.
- Reward eye contact. Read this post about teaching eye contact on walks. The more your dog is motivated to look at you, the less she will pull towards other distractions.
These are just a few of the many ways you can be more interesting than the environment to keep your dog focused on you. With practice, you will discover what works best to keep your dog interested in you.
Source By: WatchandTrain.com
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