Kauli Sparks, co-owner of Hearts and Hooves of Lubbock, said the decision was made Saturday to put Jolly down to ease the therapy horse's suffering.
"He was doing really well until yesterday, probably around 2 p.m.," Sparks said in Sunday's online edition of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. "He basically crashed."
Five Hearts and Hooves miniature horses were attacked by pit bulls last month. Oreo was killed in the attack.
Sparks said Jolly developed toxemia, a general infection that spread throughout his body and caused many of his organs to begin shutting down.
Hearts and Hooves is a nonprofit organization that brings miniature horses indoors to people who need therapeutic healing.
The owner of the dogs signed them over to Lubbock Animal Services.
Sources: Associated Press
The photo attached to this article is of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, not a Pit Bull Terrier. You should get your media straight if you want to remain credible.
Credibility is paramount if you want to be taken seriously as a blogger. The Staffordshire Bull Terrior is regrettably implicated with cross-bred bull-dog types that are responsible for unprovoked attacks upon other animals or humans.
To date, there are no incidents recorded of any attack - provoked or otherwise - involving a full-blooded Staffy like the one you have pictured. Please be sure that you do, in fact, "discover the secrets of dogs" in an informed and accurate manner.
Hi Thorny, Thank for your comments.
Do you own any dog?
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