Do you believe in eating dog meat? definitely not for me!
A Chinese restaurant in southwest Moscow is being investigated on suspicion of rounding up dogs on the street, killing them and passing their cooked meat off to customers as lamb, city police said Monday.
Two residents went to police after seeing suspicious activity near the restaurant, located at 88 Prospekt Vernadskogo, near the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, police spokeswoman Irina Volk said.
for more storyhttp://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2007/10/30/012.html
Congrats for your blog, very nice!
Why don't you create a pet profile on www.pet-files.com ? You can publish photos, videos and a lot of info (my profile: http://www.pet-files.com/marco80/mescal). And you can create a slideshow with your photo that you can easily embed into this blog! Hope you appreciate the idea.
- Marco
Hi Marco, have visited the site. Very useful, thanks for sharing.
If you think my blog is informative for dog lovers. Do tell your friend about it and visit my blog more often.
I will try my ever best to update the blog regularly.
Again, thank you for your comments and visit.
Merry X'mas & Happy New Year!
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