This Blog is created to discuss any information about Dog. Dog Training, Dog Grooming,Dog Equipment, Dog Food ,Dog Museum, Dog News and many more.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Amazing dog For 2007!
"Faith" the amazing dog.
This dog remind me to the challenge we have in our life.
Happy New Year 2008!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Puppy Promises

But before making the next addition to your family, area animal health and welfare experts urge, do your homework.
"You're talking about a 14- to 16-year commitment, so it should not be a sympathy purchase with those big sad eyes looking at you," said Mark Finkler, owner of Roanoke Animal Hospital. "I think a lot of people get the wrong breed or wrong temperament for their lifestyle."
Potential mistakes are plentiful when choosing a dog.
Some people underestimate the financial commitment. Others make an impulse purchase. Still others don't know the dog's background, which might include abusive owners or less-than-ideal breeding conditions, Finkler said.
At the Roanoke Valley SPCA, some dogs that are adopted are later returned to the shelter because their new owners didn't realize what they were tackling when bringing a dog into their homes.
For more reading go to
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Dog Restaurant

Do you believe in eating dog meat? definitely not for me!
A Chinese restaurant in southwest Moscow is being investigated on suspicion of rounding up dogs on the street, killing them and passing their cooked meat off to customers as lamb, city police said Monday.
Two residents went to police after seeing suspicious activity near the restaurant, located at 88 Prospekt Vernadskogo, near the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, police spokeswoman Irina Volk said.
for more story
Sunday, October 07, 2007
English Bull Dog!
The English bull dogs are noted particularly for its unique, intimidating appearance. It stands very short, but has a compact and wide body. Its head is known for being so thick, massive and broad with cheeks that expand to the sides of its eyes. It also has lips that are pendent and undershot, and its eyes are dark, round, and are located far apart.
To complement its face, the English bull dogs have small ears that are thin and folded back. In terms of coat, the English bull dogs have a coat that lies close to its body. The coat of this breed is noted for its texture and appearance, with smooth, flat and straight hairs. Just like the rest of the canine breeds, the coat of the English bull dogs comes in different colors and shades.
Typically, you can see shades of red, brindle, pale yellow, white, fawn, and washed out red, or a combination of these colors in an English bull dog. Black is not common and is not even acceptable. These colors look great with the dogs short and small size with squarely set and stocky legs.
The English bull dogs intimidating looks does not speak much for its character and temperament. In fact, this breed is often described as the calmest and most reliable kind. It is gentle and loving, with a tendency to seek for more affection and attention.
Also, the English bull dogs interact well with other canine breeds and even felines. They also make a good companion for adults, as well as kids. With such qualities, its no wonder that the English bull dogs are often treated as a family dog. But more to that, the breed is also considered as perfect for guarding, the reason that more bull dogs are now trained for guarding and watch dogging.
This is also considered knowing the fact that the breed is courageous enough to withstand from all challenges. But, as mentioned earlier, the English bull dogs will only do well in this field given the correct and proper training and enhancement.
You can maintain the great looks of your English bull dogs if you will exercise a regular care session. The breed only needs regular brushing or combing to remove any dirt and loose hair. It should also be bathed only when needed for the bull dog is a kind that sheds regularly. Its mouth and other parts of its body should also be cleaned on a regular basis to keep the English bull dog in good health. However, all of these tasks should only be performed by a dominant owner. The same is true for the training.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Skateboarding Dog! It is Amazing
Have you ever wonder what your dog capable to do? I found this video show a dog Skateboarding. It is Awesome….i wish my future dog able to do this.
this video.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Dog Talk?
Do you believe Dog can talk? If no, you better check out this video
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Huntington Kennel Club Dog Show

The three-day event, which kicked off Friday with a bulldog club specialty show, was similar to the nationally televised American Kennel Club dog shows, but on smaller scale.
There were 650 dogs that were registered Saturday, while 621 were registered Sunday, said Tim Childers, show chairman and vice president of the Huntington Kennel Club.
for more details go to
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Faith: The Wonder "Dog" Walk like Human Being
Hi all Pet Lover, do you believe that a dog can walk like human being. I bet you will believe after watching this video. The Dog name is "Faith"
If dog can do it, why not we human being doing something that beyond our capability.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
World Biggest Dog-Hercules

Hi All Dog Lover,found out this Extraordinary Dog called "Hercules". It is the biggest Dog recorded at Guinness World Records
"Hercules" is an English Mastiff and has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds.
With "paws the size of softballs" this monster is far larger and heavier than his breed's standard 200lb limit.
Not sure this monster still growing or not? Do anyone know the progress? Wonder what kind of dog food he/she eat.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Russian Wolfhound

Nor is this to be wondered at. The most graceful and elegant of all breeds, combining symmetry with strength, the wearer of a lovely silky coat that a toy dog might envy, the length of head, possessed by no other breed all go to make the Borzoi the favourite he has become.
Borzoi Characteristics as follows:–
HEAD — This should be long, lean, and well balanced, and the length, from the tip of the nose to the eyes, must be the same as from the eyes to the occiput. A dog may have a long head, but the length may be all in front of the eyes. The heads of this breed have greatly improved the last few years; fewer “apple-headed” specimens, and more of the desired triangular heads being seen.
The skull should be flat and narrow, the stop not perceptible, the muzzle long and tapering. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of the head being well filled up before the eyes. The head, from forehead to nose, should be so fine that the direction of the bones and principal veins can be seen clearly, and in profile should appear rather Roman nosed. Bitches should be even narrower in head than dogs.
EYES - should be dark, expressive, almond shaped, and not too far apart.
EARS -like those of a Greyhound, small, thin, and placed well back on the head, with the tips, when thrown back, almost touching behind the occiput. It is not a fault if the dog can raise his ears erect when excited or looking after game, although some English judges dislike this frequent characteristic. The head should be carried somewhat low, with the neck continuing the line of the back.
SHOULDERS — Clean and sloping well back, i.e., the shoulder blades should almost touch one another.
CHEST — Deep and somewhat narrow. It must be capacious, but the capacity must be got from depth, and not from “barrel” ribs a bad fault in a running hound.
BACK — Rather bony, and free from any cavity in the spinal column, the arch in the back being more marked in the dog than in the bitch.
LOINS — Broad and very powerful, showing plenty of muscular development.
THIGHS — Long and well developed, with good second thigh. The muscle in the Borzoi is longer than in the Greyhound.
RIBS — Slightly sprung, very deep, reaching to the elbow.
FORE-LEGS — Lean and straight. Seen from the front they should be narrow and from the side broad at the shoulder and narrowing gradually down to the foot, the bone appearing flat and not round as in the Foxhound.
HIND-LEGS — The least thing under the body when standing still, not straight, and the stifle slightly bent. They should, of course, be straight as regards each other, and not “cow-hocked,” but straight hind-legs imply a want of speed.
FEET — Like those of the Deerhound, rather long. The toes close together and well arched.
COAT — Long, silky, not woolly; either flat, wavy, or curly. On the head, ears and front-legs it should be short and smooth; on the neck the frill should be profuse and rather curly; on the chest and the rest of the body, the tail and hind-quarters, it should be long; the fore-legs being well feathered.
TAIL — Long, well feathered, and not gaily carried. It should be carried well down, almost touching the ground.
HEIGHT — Dogs from 29 inches upwards at shoulder, bitches from 27 inches upwards. (Originally 27 inches and 26 inches. Altered at a general meeting of the Borzoi Club, held February, 1906.)
FAULTS — Head short and thick; too much stop; parti-coloured nose; eyes too wide apart; heavy ears; heavy shoulders; wide chest; “barrel” ribbed; dew-claws; elbows turned out; wide behind. Also light eyes and over or undershot jaws.
COLOUR — The Club standard makes no mention of colour. White, of course, should predominate; fawn, lemon, orange, brindle, blue, slate and black markings are met with. Too much of the latter, or black and tan markings, are disliked. Whole colour dogs are also seen.
Do you have any Russian Dog Breed to share? You are welcome to leave a comments.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
World Smallest Dog

Guinness Records website lists "Big Boss", a Yorkshire Terrier, as the smallest dog in the world. It was listed at 11.94cm (4.7in) tall when guardian Dr. Chai Khanchanakom from Thailand registered the toy dog with Guinness.
Small dog also classified as "Toy dog" is the breed classification including the Chihuahua, Pekingese, Shih-Tzu and Yorkshire Terrier. These diminutive doggies may be small in stature, but size doesn't matter in the dog world as long as you care and love them.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Cute Dog Pictures

Find this cute Dog website and it contains all kind of Dog breed. Just would like to share with everyone
Monday, February 12, 2007
Owning A Dog Is Good For Your Health

This is the conclusion of a study by a senior lecturer, Dr Deborah Wells, from the Canine Behaviour Centre of Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Dr Wells has published her study in the British Journal of Health Psychology.
The study is a review of research papers that have explored the connection between domestic dog ownership and human wellbeing.
In her research Dr Wells found papers that suggest domestic dog ownership can prevent people from getting ill, recover more quickly when they do fall ill, and give warning of early signs of cancer, seizures and hypoglycaemia. She also explored the research into dogs and human psychological health, including the therapeutic role that dogs play in aiding the disabled and also in hospitals, prisons and residential homes.
An Israeli research paper said it was likely that animal companions helped people with schizophrenia feel motivated and calmer. And another UK study suggested that the companionship of a dog helped children with chronic illnesses endure painful treatments. Some of the evidence was found to be weak, but in other areas Dr Wells found strong evidence to suggest that dog owners have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and are less likely to have minor and serious health problems.
In one paper dated 1985, Dr Wells found that dog owners had an 8.6 higher one year survival rate after a heart attack compared to people who did not have a dog. Dr Wells suggests there could be a number of reasons for the health benefits of dog ownership.
There is the more obvious direct effect of increased physical activity, but then there are also indirect effects such as that brought by increased social contact and the possibility that the human-dog bond provides a psychological buffer against stress.
Comparing cat and dog ownership, Dr Wells found evidence that people who take cats and dogs from rescue centres reported reductions in minor health problems such as headaches, dizzy spells and colds as soon as one month after taking their new companion home.
However, it was only those people who had taken dogs, as opposed to cats, that still had the improved health conditions up to ten months later.
Hope this articles will help you aware how improtant is Dog to our life.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Peru’s unique hairless dogs
His eyes gleaming with joy underneath a yellow mohawk and his tail with a little brush at the tip wagging playfully, Josh the Peruvian Hairless Dog heads out to greet tourists at
About the size of an English pointer, Josh and his kin are not guard dogs, but, rather, are guarded behind the walls of this and other historic monuments on the Peruvian coast — the hairless sight hound’s habitat for more than 3,000 years.
They are part of the historic scenery here, but the canine breed almost became history several years back. “Now we can say they are safe, saved by this project, but a few years ago the Peruvian Hairless Dog was under threat of extinction in
The breed normally has hair resembling a mohawk on the head and a tail brush, but otherwise has naked dark, very warm skin. Its history is long and rather sad, especially after the Spanish conquest starting in 1532.
Native pre-Incan civilisations used the dogs for hunting and as pets for company. They are represented on the ceramic pottery of the Chimu, Moche and Chancay cultures found on the coast.
They were sometimes mummified and buried along with people to help the departed find their way to the world of the dead or to continue serving their owners in the afterlife. The Spanish brought giant war dogs to fight the natives and would often amuse themselves by setting off one such dog against a small pack of the smaller local breed.
“There are reports it could tear four, five hairless dogs in pieces easily,” Vargas said, caressing Josh’s head.
The breed got to the 21st century on the brink of extinction, and that’s when the government decided to safeguard it by ordering all archaeological sites along the coast to have at least a pair — after Huaca Pucllana’s 1989 initiative. They are now also
“We know there are quite a few now, and there are people breeding them and people buying them here and for export - it is a luxury dog now,” Vargas said, adding though there was still a lot of prejudice against the dog’s naked skin.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Obedience for Dog?

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Whatever your reasons are, Daniel Steven have designed a cutting-edge dog training package with YOU in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results FAST...
For more Information click hereCheers!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Labrador the Top Dog in US

The American Kennel Club said the tiny terriers fondly known as "Yorkies" beat out the traditional U.S. favorites, the German Shepherd and Golden Retriever, according to 2006 registration data.
"To have such a small dog overtake America's iconic dogs is really amazing," said the club's spokeswoman, Daisy Okas. The last time a small dog, weighing less than 20 pounds (9 kg), won such status was when the Boston Terrier was the second-most popular breed in 1939.
"Celebrities have had a lot of influence," Okas said. "We do not advocate dogs as fashion accessories. Before you get a dog, no matter what breed, you have to make a lifetime commitment."
Celebrities with Yorkshire Terriers reportedly include actresses Tara Reid, Naomi Watts and Kirsten Dunst, singers Anastacia, Kelly Clarkson and Mariah Carey, model Gisele Bundchen and tennis star Venus Williams.
New Yorker Tasasha Chavis, a nanny who lives on Manhattan, estimated she has spent thousands of dollars on her two Yorkies, named Mz Peanut Brittle and Little Bit of Honey, who have their own bedroom and wardrobe.
Mz Peanut Brittle, who was wearing a tiny tiara and pearl collar, travels in style.
"I have a Coach carrier for her but she is not an accessory. She has shoes and jackets and a stroller. She sleeps in my bed," Chavis said. "I don't have any kids — these are my babies."
According to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, U.S. pet owners spent more than $38 billion on their animals in 2006.
"People are just treating dogs like family more and more," Okas said. "They want to have that companionship."
She said the Labrador Retriever was the consistent favorite because it is "one of the most versatile breeds." "They want to be with people, they are very trainable, they want to be their owner's best friend,"
At No. 3 in the American Kennel Club's top 10 was the German Shepherd, followed by the Golden Retriever, Beagle, Dachshund, Boxer, Poodle, Shih Tzu and Miniature Schnauzer.
But in New York City, the poodle was top dog.
Hope this news keep you on track the Top Dog in US.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
K9 Dog Show at Malaysia

Date: 14 Jan,2007
Venue: Center Park,Bandar Utama Kuala Lumpur
Time: 8.15am-3.00pm
Admission: Free
Open to: Everyone especially Dog lovers
- Mr. and Miss K9 Malaysia 2007
- Reserve Mr. and Miss K9 Malaysia 2007
- Most Photogenic and Creative Dressed Dog
- Most Intelligent Dog
- Most Beautiful Long Coat Dog
- Most Beautiful Short Coat Dog
Do you have any Dog event at your country? Please don't hesitate to share in my Blog.
For more information visit this website
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Smoking Dog
Anyway, i am not sure the video is real or not. Just found it interesting and want to share with everyone.
Tell me what do you think about the video? Is it real or fake?