Friday, October 27, 2006

Dog Grooming

Dog Grooming like regular healthcare and nutrition is an essential part of caring for your dog. All dog from pedigreed poodle to lovable pound pub, required some level of grooming, brushing and bathing your dog keep in skin and coat healthy and make him more pleasant to live with and to love.

Daily tooth brushing and regular nail clipping prevent future health concerns such as periodontal disease and foot problems. For some dog professional dog grooming is almost a requirement. For others, a monthly bath and a weekly brushing is sufficient.

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Anything to share about dog Grooming is welcome. Just post your comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think people often overlook the importance of grooming their dogs as a way to contribute to their overall good health. Here are just a few more tips on dog grooming. You must groom your pet's whole body including the legs, tail, and underbody if you want to do it right. You must groom certain dogs from the skin outward to truly be effective in taking care of their coat of hair and keeping it healthy. Comb through the unseen healthy hair and remove the shedding hair; this is what most groomers do first before cutting your pets coat. You must groom some animals all at once, while some other animals have so much hair that it is easier to do a little at a time each day. You know your dog is well-mannered when it will sit still and allow the owner or a professional to perform regular grooming and maintenance without any fuss. If you feel you just don't have the time or desire to do it yourself, it's time to call the professionals. Your dog will love you for it, and you'll feel great about it too. Hope this was helpful.

You can get more tips on dog grooming by visiting my site at Pet Grooming Tips