Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Military Dog

Dog has been used in war through recorded history. The Roman bred large mastiffs and affixed them with spiked collars before going to battle. During the first World War, the French, Germans and English all used dog sis battle. By the Second World War, the Americans also had inducted canine combatants.

Although the American did not officially use dog in wartime until World War II, they were unofficially present in every battle in American History. During the American Revolution, soldiers routinely brought their hunting dogs with them into battle as companion and as watch dogs.

During the civil War, soldiers on both sides were known to have dogs in their company. Some American soldiers adopted dog while serving during World War I, stray dogs were common in the bombed out European cities and on the battlefields.

Some of these dog ended up serving as messengers, other become mascots for military unit and most served unofficially duties as guards and therapy Dog.

Do you have any Dog experinces to share? Leave me a comment. Thanks



Anonymous said...

Hi i am doing my assignment for college and the question asks me explain the grooming requirements for the working dog, - german shepherd(army guard dog) for health reasons

Dorothy said...

Hi there, where are you from? Thank you for your comments.

Do visit and tell your friend more about my blog and dog website.


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