Sunday, October 05, 2008

Worls's Smartest Dogs

Man’s best friend comes in various sizes, shapes and shades, and some are smarter than others. Find out where your dog places.

Like how all parents behave when it comes to their children, dog owners are convinced that theirs must the most intelligent, best-looking and adorable in the world.

Your dog does not need to be a champion or the offspring of one. Nor does it need any papers or documentation. And it certainly does not need to possess a pedigree stretching back 2,000 years to make it the apple of your eye.

But is your pet pooch really as smart as you think?

Here is a list of the smartest and dumbest dogs in the world drawn up from a survey of lists on the Internet. The brightest breeds are rated based on two criteria: “obeying first command”, which has to be performed immediately at least 95% of the time, and “understanding new commands”, which has to be done successfully in less than five repetitions.

While some mixed-mongrels can be remarkably clever, this list only looks at certified breeds.

World’s smartest dogs

1. Border Collie: If a dog can actually look intelligent, this is it! Its keen, sharp, alert expression says it all. The Border Collie came from the borders between England and Scotland, where shepherds bred this dog over centuries.

Its unique features are its incredible ability to work out of sight of its master, to reason on its own, and its unique style of gathering the sheep with sweeping wide runs and weird ability to control them with an intense gaze called the “eye” while using stalking movements.

Its agility, strength, good looks, nice temperament and brain power make it the world’s top dog.

2. Poodle: The uninformed may shriek and protest because poodles have been portrayed as the dumb blondes of the doggie world. But did you know that poodles were originally hunting dogs bred by the pragmatic German, and not the fashion-conscious French?

Smart, alert and receptive to obedience training, poodles are often seen in circus doing tricks. The infamous “Poodle Clip” hairdo was designed by hunters, not make-up stylists, to enable poodles to move through water more quickly as they were bred as water retrievers! The patches of fur were meant to protect the vital organs susceptible to cold.

3. German Shepherd: German Shepherds are the world’s most dependable working dog and ideally suited for war zones, difficult working conditions, and areas of natural disaster.

Loving and intelligent, it makes a great family companion, herder and show competitor as its majestic stance and military-like posture make for a showy appearance.

This dog is fond of children and is a great protector. It is the kind of dog that willingly sacrifices its life to save its master and his family.

4. Golden Retriever: It is one of the world’s most popular breeds because of its good looks, friendly temperament, high degree of tolerance and an eager-to-please attitude.

It is a great hunting dog, an excellent guide, and a world-class search-and-rescue dog. It has a distinctly attractive personality and is said to have a “kind expression”.

5. Doberman Pinscher: Their reputation as attack dogs that go straight for the jugular is true only if they have been trained do this. The Doberman is muscular, powerful, fast and obedient.

It looks like a warrior with sharp, pointed ears and erect carriage. Energetic, watchful, and fearless, it is very loyal to its master. This dog’s 42 teeth allow it the famous scissor bite with upright lower incisors touching the inside of the upper incisors.

6. Shetland Sheepdog: It looks like a miniature Alsatian or German Shepherd but it is only 13 to 16 inches at the shoulder. Related to the Border Collie, this breed shrank in size when it was first transported to the Shetland Islands and cross-bred with small, smart, long-haired breeds. It is intensely faithful, loving and responsive but only to its owner.

7. Labrador Retriever: Family-friendly, intelligent and gentle, the Labrador loves children and will allow its ears and tail to be pulled and to be bullied. Its natural inclination to please and assist humans makes it an ideal guide for the blind. It is invaluable in search-and-rescue teams and narcotics detection squads.

Originally used by Newfoundland fisherman to drag in nets and nab escaping fish, the original dog was crossed with setters, spaniels and other retrievers before finally becoming the beloved Labrador Retriever. It is an efficient retriever of birds and animals shot by its master.

8. Papillon: It looks like an automated, battery-operated toy but this living, breathing creature is happy, alert, friendly, quick and graceful. The word papillon means “butterfly” in French, and the association was due to the dog’s beautiful ears which resemble the lovely wings of a butterfly.

As befits its name and size (8 to 11 inches), this dog is elegant, fine-structured, light and dainty. Like the poodle, it appears to tip-toe on its legs.

9. Rottweiler: Its dark, menacing looks makes it a favourite of horror movies where its arrival herald some malfeasance, usually towards your body parts. The Rottweiler’s solid, hulky mass of muscles makes it a powerful guard and attack dog.

Despite its appearance, it is surprisingly agile and fleet-footed. Its inbuilt desire to protect family, home and hearth makes it a godsend as companion, guardian and all-purpose dog.

10. Australian Cattle Dog: This strong, compact cattle dog relishes rough, harsh environments, and Australia has plenty of these.

Its potent combination of muscle, strength and penchant for hard work corraling cattle in open and confined areas is unrivalled. So is its intelligence, courage and devotion to duty. Its protective instincts make it the self-appointed guardian to the stockman, his herd and property.

By: Kee Hua Chee
