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His eyes gleaming with joy underneath a yellow mohawk and his tail with a little brush at the tip wagging playfully, Josh the Peruvian Hairless Dog heads out to greet tourists at
About the size of an English pointer, Josh and his kin are not guard dogs, but, rather, are guarded behind the walls of this and other historic monuments on the Peruvian coast — the hairless sight hound’s habitat for more than 3,000 years.
They are part of the historic scenery here, but the canine breed almost became history several years back. “Now we can say they are safe, saved by this project, but a few years ago the Peruvian Hairless Dog was under threat of extinction in
The breed normally has hair resembling a mohawk on the head and a tail brush, but otherwise has naked dark, very warm skin. Its history is long and rather sad, especially after the Spanish conquest starting in 1532.
Native pre-Incan civilisations used the dogs for hunting and as pets for company. They are represented on the ceramic pottery of the Chimu, Moche and Chancay cultures found on the coast.
They were sometimes mummified and buried along with people to help the departed find their way to the world of the dead or to continue serving their owners in the afterlife. The Spanish brought giant war dogs to fight the natives and would often amuse themselves by setting off one such dog against a small pack of the smaller local breed.
“There are reports it could tear four, five hairless dogs in pieces easily,” Vargas said, caressing Josh’s head.
The breed got to the 21st century on the brink of extinction, and that’s when the government decided to safeguard it by ordering all archaeological sites along the coast to have at least a pair — after Huaca Pucllana’s 1989 initiative. They are now also
“We know there are quite a few now, and there are people breeding them and people buying them here and for export - it is a luxury dog now,” Vargas said, adding though there was still a lot of prejudice against the dog’s naked skin.